Grande Bouquet


The grande bouquet is the larger of our two offerings and comes with approximately 35 stems of a variety of seasonal flowers. The types of flowers used are based on your personal notes below and flower availability. Any orders without personal notes will be left to the designer’s inspiration.
(Note: The vase pictured does not accurately represent the vase used for grande bouquets)

Hand-Written Note

Make It Personal

Tell us more about your occasion, style, or special person. Please note any specific requests.
(Note: While we do our best to meet all requests, we are limited to the seasonality and availability of flowers)

Let Them Know Their Flowers Are Arriving!

Please enter the recipient’s phone number if you’d like us to send a text message notifying them that a delivery is on the way.

Gift Cards

Want to add something special to your bouquet? Choose a gift card below!

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Delivered in

Paper wrap, Glass jar


Friendship, Romance, Sympathy, Get Well, Treat Yourself, Birthday, Seasonal, Other


  1. Peggy Joyce

    We received the grande bouquet as a gift when my mother-in-law passed away. The flowers were absolutely stunning and so beautiful. They lasted a very long time. Would highly recommend ordering them.

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